

Product brand: Battle peak (ZHZF), origin: China - Zhuhai
Model: C-093A
Voltage: 220V1PH/380V3PH
Power: 0.75 ~ 1.1W
Working pressure: 0.8 ~ 1 MPa
Rim diameter: 10 "-24""
Rim width: 3 "-16""
Maximum wheel diameter: 960mm
Tyre pressure: 2500Kg
Noise: < 70dB
Weight: 230KG
Product details:
Full automatic tire disassembly and assembly. The forward, backward and locking of the column are all controlled by pneumatic control
Six square shaft with S41 six steel made in dismantling the hard wall tires to ensure the machine will not deform.
Unique plastic protective cover makes the shape of the machine stand high
Optional plastic disassembly head to protect the rim from damage during disassembly and assembly
Pneumatic shovel
According to the needs of customers to assemble and disassemble the flat tire, the assistant should be selected to ensure the safety and reliability during the tire dismantling process
Optional gas tank
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