

Product brand: Battle peak (ZHZF), origin: China - Zhuhai
Model: C-092A
Voltage: 220V, 1HP, /380V, 3PH
Power: 0.75 ~ 1.1W
Working pressure: 8-10 Bar
Rim diameter: 10 "-24""
Rim width: 3 "-16""
Maximum wheel diameter: 1000mm
Tyre pressure: 2500kg
Noise: <70dB
Weight: 200KG
Product details:
The clamping claws are made of special material, and they are durable.
Universal switch can withstand large load, long service life.
Special steel disassembly and assembly, wear-resisting, not bending, not broken.
Clamping head, dismounting head and pressing tire shovel are provided with protective sleeve, which further protects tyre rim from damage caused by operation error.
Equipped with mounting hole, optional auxiliary arm.
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